Diverse learners require diverse teaching strategies. Student voice and choice lie at the foundation of a differentiated classroom, leading to multiple pathways for student growth - Charity Stephens
Assessment methods should help the instructor answer the questions, "How do I know the required learning has taken place? What might I need to modify about the course to best support student learning?"
Information about student learning can be assessed internally through direct measures like quizzes, exams, research projects, case study analysis, and rubrics or externally through indirect measures like external assessment/ examination, course evaluations, student surveys, alumni surveys and graduate school placement rates.
COAE International helps the educational organizations to understand the extent of achievement of learning outcomes and skill building through external assessments.
Outcome & Benefits
Learning level results of the study standalone (comparisons with external results available with COAE)
Identification of learning gaps after analysis
Data comparison with studies like NAS and ASER for contextualization.
Analysis and advice for Training & Curriculum
Recommendations for Teacher and Program management issues
Indicators may include- Learning levels by class and subject, Inter institution / region comparison and comparison with national/ international benchmarks.